Essential K-12 Cybersecurity Protections for the Cloud

Thursday, April 7 at 2pm ET

Join a panel of K-12 security and IT practitioners for a timely discussion of the essential protections necessary to safeguard school systems, on and off premises.


K-12 cloud computing is used for everything from remote learning and human resources programs to payment management systems. What special risks does cloud computing introduce to K-12 and how can those risks be mitigated? Where does cloud security fit in the larger context of protecting school communities from emerging cybersecurity threats?

Moderated by Doug Levin, National Director of K12 Security Information Exchange (K12 SIX), this complimentary professional development webinar will answer these issues and take questions from the audience. Panelists include:

  • Ben Dumke, Information Systems Manager, Hortonville Area School District (WI)

  • Denise Musselwhite, Chief Information Officer, Trinity Preparatory School (FL)

  • Neal Richardson, Director of Technology, Hillsboro-Deering School District (NH)

This event is sponsored by Managed Methods.