Member Benefits
K12 SIX helps you discover key trends, top threats, and the techniques used by cyber criminals targeting schools - and receive actionable guidance on how to implement pragmatic, cost-effective defenses.
K12 SIX facilitates the sharing of time-sensitive information about incidents and threats facing K-12 organizations with trusted peers in an accurate and secure manner.
K12 SIX is the premiere support network for K-12 information security professionals - and all other K-12 IT staff tasked with cybersecurity responsibilities.
Join K12 SIX to learn from experts and peers about the skills you need to protect your school community from emerging cybersecurity risks.
When you have a question - whether technical or strategic - the K12 SIX staff and community can offer honest, vendor-neutral advice - grounded in the lived experience of school practitioners.
As a member of the Global Resilience Federation (GRF), K12 SIX members benefit from cross-sector information sharing and support.
“No K–12 institution is an island. Information sharing and collaboration with peers and partners is essential to build awareness and sustain resilience. K–12 entities should participate in an information sharing forum such as the ... K12 Security Information eXchange (K12 SIX).”
Membership in the K12 Security Information eXchange (K12 SIX) is open to U.S. K-12 organizations, including school districts, charter schools and charter management organizations, private/independent schools, regional education agencies, and state education agencies. Annual membership fees are based on student enrollment.
K12 SIX membership supports adoption of expert-recommended best practices:
CISA “Partnering to Safeguard K-12 Organizations from Cybersecurity Threats”
US Department of Education/CISA “Building Technology Infrastructure for Learning: Defensible and Resilient”
CISA Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Performance Goals (CPGS): 4.A Incident Reporting
NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF): ID.RA-1, ID.RA-2, ID.RA-3, ID.RA-5, RS.AN-5, RS.CO-5
CIS Controls: 7: Continuous Vulnerability Management, 16: Application Software Security
View archive of ‘Get to Know K12 SIX’ webinar or access a summary of K12 SIX member benefits here. Direct inquires about membership benefits or eligibility here.